National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2018

Lead poisoning is an all-too-common disease, but it is entirely preventable. A key component of the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule is the focus on protecting children, particularly those under six years of age. That is why each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) work together to promote the National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW).

This year’s NLPPW begins on Sunday, running from October 21-27, and the theme is Lead Free Kids for a Healthy Future. The CDC and HHS have put together a NLPPW Partner Information Kit to aid individuals, organizations, and different levels of government in reducing childhood exposure to lead and preventing lifelong mental and physical damage.

According to the CDC, “campaign organizers can help spread the word to:

  1. Get the Facts: Find out about the hazards of lead.
  2. Get Your Home Tested: Find out how to minimize risks of lead exposure by hiring a certified professional to test older homes for lead.
  3. Get Your Child Tested: A simple blood test can detect lead. Consult your health care provider for advice on testing your children.”

Learn more about NLLPW 2018 and engage with the campaign here.
