Asbestos Inspector Refresher Course

Individuals seeking recertification as an Asbestos Inspector must be recertified before your current certification expires if you wish to continue conducting asbestos inspector activities. This Asbestos Inspector Refresher Certification course is required for those individuals who want to conduct inspections and assessments for asbestos containing materials (ACM). As an accredited Asbestos Inspector, you may conduct asbestos building inspections to identify and assess the condition of asbestos containing materials for asbestos building surveys including activities for building renovation, building demolition and property assessments.

The Asbestos Inspector Refresher training course is 4 hours and provides updated industry-related information on state-of-the-art asbestos inspection methods and procedures including real-life practical experience that you can immediately apply to your work activity. Don’t let your certification expire, get recertified today.

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Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to refresh individuals conducting asbestos inspections on methods and procedures including:

  • Understand roles and responsibilities of the asbestos building inspector
  • To become familiar with characteristics of asbestos and uses
  • Understand asbestos exposure and associated health effects
  • Understand building systems and components
  • Know legal, liability and relationship responsibilities
  • Understand pre-planning and asbestos inspection protocol
  • Assess conditions of asbestos containing materials
  • Report interpretation and development


Asbestos Inspector Refresher Course Overview

  • Background Information on Asbestos
  • Potential Health Effects Related to Asbestos Exposure
  • Functions, Qualifications, and the Role of Building Inspectors
  • Legal Liabilities of Building Inspectors
  • Understanding Building Systems
  • Public/Employee/Building Occupant Relations
  • Pre-Inspection Planning and Review of Previous Inspection Records
  • Inspecting for Friable and Non-friable Asbestos-Containing Material
  • (ACM) and Assessing the Condition of Friable ACM
  • Bulk Sampling and Documentation
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Recordkeeping and Reporting
  • Regulatory Review


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get recertified as an asbestos Inspector?

To become a properly trained and accredited asbestos inspector you will need to seek training from a training provider that offers courses approved by the EPA or a state to conduct asbestos training pursuant to the Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. Most states also require a license to perform this work. Your training course completion certificate is a general prerequisite to applying for such a license. The asbestos inspector refresher training course is 4 hours in length. EPA Accredited asbestos training courses are offered in five separate disciplines; Asbestos Abatement Worker, Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor, Asbestos Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner and Asbestos Project Designer. Some states may refer to these training disciplines by different, yet similar names.

How do I know if my state has additional requirements to become licensed as an asbestos inspector?

Many states administer an asbestos program including having additional requirements to become licensed as a licensed asbestos inspector. The Environmental Protection Agency has compiled a list names and contact numbers for states that administer their own asbestos program. If your state administers their own program, you should contact them to identify state-specific requirements for becoming licensed as an asbestos inspector.

What is the applicability of Federal asbestos inspector accreditation requirements under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) to real estate appraisers?

Real estate appraisers may not assess the suspected presence, location, or condition of asbestos in a school building or a public and commercial building during an appraisal unless they are accredited pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP), as conducting an examination, either visual or physical, to determine whether a substance contains asbestos qualifies as an “inspection” as defined by the MAP. EPA advises real estate appraisers to obtain asbestos inspector training and accreditation only if they determine that they will be undertaking inspections and examinations that would fall within the activities that trigger accreditation requirements under TSCA and the MAP. If an appraiser relies entirely upon an existing asbestos inspection report for a particular building that they are appraising, for purposes of estimating the impact of the presence or condition of asbestos on the value of the property, that appraiser would not need to be accredited.


Customer Reviews

 by Arnoldo Zecena on ZOTA Professional Training
Lead Certification

The lead training certification class was very informative and the instructor was very knowledgeable. I would recommend it.

 by Jonathan C on ZOTA Professional Training

Excellent Job! I recommend RRP Certification.

 by Sabastian R on ZOTA Professional Training

He was very clear in his instruction and explanation.

 by Andrew A on ZOTA Professional Training

Brad explained lead poisoning very well.

 by Stuart M on ZOTA Professional Training

The teacher was informative and very helpful. Very in depth. I would recommend ZOTA to others needing lead paint certification.

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