Syracuse, New York Lead Certification – EPA Renovator

Why Do You Need EPA Renovator Lead Certification?

Why Do You Need EPA Renovator Lead Certification?

Buildings in Syracuse, New York built before 1978 used lead paint. Renovations on these properties can create lead dust, harming people who breathe it in. If you plan to renovate any homes, buildings, schools, or childcare facilities in Syracuse, you need your lead certification.

Anyone renovating a structure built before 1978 needs an EPA renovator lead certification—even DIYers flipping houses for a profit. The Environmental Protection Agency has countless resources relating to lead exposure, including in the air and drinking water.

Beyond the EPA’s regulations, New York state also requires both firms and contractors to have this professional training. The official guidance under the Renovation, Repair, and Paint (RRP) law oversees any construction and renovation that involves lead paint due to the increased exposure risk.

Whether you work on homes, schools, or childcare buildings, you need your EPA lead certification. If you already have your certification, ensure you take the refresher course before the expiration date on your document. The refresher course will also help you stay informed on new guidelines and trends in renovations for working in New York.

Ready to Get Your New York Lead Paint Certification?

Are you ready to start working as a Lead Renovator in Syracuse, New York? Find an initial course near you. 

Already have your certification? Take the refresher course.

Syracuse, New York RRP Rule Enforcement

The Environmental Protection Agency established the RRP in 2010, and New York state adopted that law instead of implementing its own. Therefore, all contractors in Syracuse must earn EPA lead certification and follow the RRP law with their work.

Enforcers in Syracuse, New York

Anyone working with lead paint in Syracuse must adhere to the EPA’s guidelines. All legal contractors must have the lead certification. Even homeowners attempting DIY repairs on their properties need this permit.

Syracuse Lead Certification Proof Required for Building Permit

Syracuse Lead Certification Proof Required for Building Permit

Before contractors start a job, they must show proof of their lead certification. Without this document, there’s no way to get a Syracuse building permit. The New York Department of Health requires that all municipalities verify the documents before work begins.

Syracuse Lead Renovators May Not Sample Chips

Many workers think the EPA’s lead certification permits them to sample paint chips on the building before starting a New York-based project. However, even trained lead renovators can’t sample paint chips in Syracuse.

A Syracuse risk assessor will perform the paint test before the contractors start renovations. You can also contact a lead-based paint inspector to examine the walls and determine the potential for lead exposure in the project.

Steps for Syracuse Certification


  1. Attend the Environmental Protection Agency lead certification course, which takes eight hours and includes all the necessary materials.
  2. After completing the course, you’ll earn the title of Lead Certification Renovator.
  3. Your course fee includes two copies of your certification—one print and one digital. Both have identification numbers that link to your professional license.
  4. Keep a copy of your certificate on hand in case a client or inspector asks to see it when you’re on the job. You’ll also need to show the document before you pull a building permit. If needed, there is an online version of the lead certification refresher course without the hands-on portion, and is valid for three years.


  1. Contact the EPA about firm certification for the Firm Application.
  2. Submit the application and wait for the EPA to process it.
  3. Receive a copy of the certificate and advertise your certification on your website and in marketing materials.
  4. Keep a copy of the lead certification on hand to show when you’re on the job site to prevent delays and legal action. Once the company earns the EPA lead certification, they have access to the official “Lead-Safe Certified Firm” logo. Adding this to your website and advertising materials shows potential clients that you adhere to professional guidelines and best practices and can increase your business.

Don’t Risk Fines – Get Your Lead Paint Certification Now!

Helpful Links for Syracuse, New York Regulation Companies

Syracuse contractors who perform renovations on older homes and buildings will likely find the sources listed below beneficial. It’s vital that you and your team stay up to date with the latest rule and regulation changes, gain familiarity with the effects of lead poisoning, and monitor the latest trends to ensure everyone’s safety. Keep in mind; local regulations must be checked before starting a project.

Still Have Questions About Syracuse, New York Lead Certification?

Still Have Questions About Syracuse, New York Lead Certification?