The Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course complies with the EPA’s Lead RRP Rule and is designed for individual renovator certification renewal. The RRP Rule requires anyone who performs construction or renovation work activity in housing, schools and daycare facilities built on or before December 31, 1977 to maintain current lead renovator certification. This Spanish Lead Renovator renewal course is approved for individual recertification. Individuals and firms that do not have current EPA Lead Renovator Certification could face fines of up to $37,500 per day, per infraction.
This Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Courses has been developed for RRP work including construction, renovation and maintenance. The course is taught fully in Spanish for lead safe work practices and renovator certification is valid for five years. Lead Renovator certification renewal is required prior to expiration of your initial Spanish Lead Certificate.
Note for Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course Registrants: Even if you did not attend an Initial Lead in Spanish Renovator Course, you are still eligible to attend the Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course.
The EPA-approved Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course goals are clearly defined in each lesson. All course materials are provided in Spanish for lead certification renewal. Completing the course will ensure that you understand RRP regulations and lead safe work practices for renovating properties where lead paint may be present. The Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course will update you on RRP regulations, lead safe work practices and practical hands-on training so you can get EPA Lead Certified with confidence.
Participants enrolled in the Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course will receive an exceptional educational experience. Our bilingual instructors are fluent in Spanish for lead certification training. Lead in Spanish Renovator Renewal courses allow Spanish speaking students to learn in an easy and comfortable environment. The course layout is structured around real-world situations to provide you with training that can easily relate to your own job.
If you have been waiting for a Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course to get recertified, then your wait is over. ZOTApro offers Spanish Lead Courses in several different locations. Register for an EPA Lead Certification Refresher Course in Spanish today!
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Spanish Lead Renovator Renewal Course Objectives
- To protect workers and residents, especially children, from possible lead contamination.
- To obtain a clear understanding of the importance in minimizing and controlling the generation of lead particles and lead dust when performing renovation, remodeling, painting, rehabilitation and maintenance functions.
- To obtain a clear understanding of tools, systems and techniques required to control dust accumulation.
- To understand in full the EPA rules and regulations regarding the disruption of lead-based paint during renovation, remodeling, and rehabilitation.
EPA Lead Renovator Certification Refresher Course Overview
Module 1: Regulations
Key message: Know our audience. All contractors need to know all the regulations.
Module 2: Testing for Lead-based Paint
Key message: Test kits recognized by EPA can be used by Certified Renovators to check for lead-based paint.
Module 3: Review of Setup Practices
Key message:Keep the dust in the work area and make it easier to clean up.
Module 4: Review of Prohibited Practices, Personal Protective Equipment and Dust Control
Key Message: Traditional renovation practices produce dust, while lead safe practices will reduce dust making the renovation, repair, or painting work safer.
Module 5: Cleaning Activities and Checking Your Work
Key message: Do cleanup right. Use wet mops and HEPA vacuums. Traditional methods don’t do the job.
Module 6: Recordkeeping
Key message: Records must be complete, accurate and organized.
Module 7: Training Non-Certified Renovators
Key message: Certified Renovators are responsible for teaching lead-safe work practices.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who must be Lead-Safe Certified?
All firms that conduct lead renovation, repair and painting activities must be lead certified by the EPA under the lead RRP Rule. This includes any firm that receives compensation to conduct work that disturbs lead paint in pre-1978 residential properties and child-occupied facilities (e.g. daycares, elementary schools, pre-schools). This may include residential property owners and managers, maintenance staff, contractors, renovators, remodelers, carpenters painters, plumbers, electricians, roofers, siders and window installers.
Where is lead paint found and why does it matter?
It is estimated that lead paint was used in more than 38 million residential properties built prior 1978. Lead paint can form toxic dust when it is disturbed during normal home repair activity. The EPA Lead RRP Rule is an effort to protect the public from lead poisoning, especially children under the age of six, associated with renovation, repair and painting activities. These types of activities can create hazardous lead dust when surfaces with lead paint and coated surfaces are disturbed. The RRP Rule requires workers to receive lead certification training to become lead certified renovators.
What are the EPA certification requirements?
Contractors are required to assign at least one lead certified renovator to each lead renovation project. Lead renovators are certified upon completion of an EPA accredited renovator lead training course. The initial EPA lead certification training is 8 hours in length, and the lead certification is good for 5 years from the date of lead certification course completion. State authorized lead certification programs may vary. To maintain their lead certification a certified renovator must complete a refresher lead certification training course prior to the expiration of their current lead certification. Note: The 4 hour refresher lead certification training course or the 8 hour initial lead certification training course can be used to recertify. If their lead certification expires, then the 8 hour lead certification training course must be taken again to regain their lead certification.
How can a firm comply with the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program?
A firm that would like to become lead certified to perform lead renovation, repair and painting activity must submit an application to the EPA. In addition, the firm must attest that it will assign at least one lead certified renovator to each project who has been lead trained by attending an EPA-approved lead certification class, use only individuals who are either lead certified or have received appropriate lead training to perform lead renovation, and follow all lead RRP Rule requirements.
Course Prerequisite
As required by the EPA, an individual must have proof of their lead renovator initial certification in order to receive their refresher certification. The individual certificate will have your name and picture on it; we are not able to accept the Firm’s certificate as a replacement. Registrants must provide a copy of their initial certificate to their training provider prior to attending the course.
In accordance with the EPA, if an individual certificate is not received, course attendance will NOT be reported to the EPA and a new certificate will NOT be issued. In cases where an attendee is unable to submit their most recent individual certificate, or if the certificate has already expired, the attendee will be required to attend an EPA Lead Renovator Certification Initial Course.
In 2015, the EPA announced an expiration deadline extension. Use the chart below to see if you are still eligible to certify by taking a Lead Renovator Refresher Course or if your individual certification has lapsed and you must now certify by taking a Lead Renovator Initial Course.
Customer Reviews
Instructor answered all questions asked!! He did a great job and used real world examples.
I found Steve very informative and helpful.
Very informational. Instructor kept it interesting.
I liked the clear and concise instruction.
The lead training certification class was very informative and the instructor was very knowledgeable. I would recommend it.