The Importance of OSHA in the Workplace

Every American worker is impacted by OSHA standards, as all Americans deserve to work in a safe and nonhazardous environment. In 1970, the federal government passed legislation to protect workers and keep them safe during work. Not only is it to the advantage of the workers, but these standards also benefit employers.

OSHA protects more than 130 million employees in the United States. Aside from safety, it increases employee productivity, keeps your employees at work, increases your overall profitability, and protects you from lawsuits or legal ramifications.

What is OSHA?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) focuses on safe and healthy work conditions. They enforce standards for different workplace sectors which include general principles of safety as well as more workplace specific standards for fields like medicine. In cases of new issues, OSHA also oversees research about new rules. Simply put, provide a place to work without known physical hazards.

Increases Employee Productivity

According to a study conducted by the University of Warwick, employee happiness led to a 12% spike in productivity. One essential way to build happiness among your employee base is to provide them with a healthy working environment. Feeling unsafe or not cared for is a simple way to lower productivity. Benefits of productivity for employees include:

  • Impressing your customers
  • Providing superior service and boosting loyalty
  • Building a strong culture among your employees
  • Boosting morale among staff you’ve invested time and money with
  • Providing better incentives to your employees as the company does better
  • Spending less money on employee training and recruitment
  • Keep your reputation

Keeps Your Employees at Work

OSHA regulations help reduce future incidents by identifying potential hazards, reviewing safety procedures with employees to make sure they are well-known, and recordkeeping information about events. A safer environment keeps your employees at work by reducing the chances of accidents or health problems. Even if it means the safety of one additional person or the prevention of one accident, OSHA regulations, and standards or worth it!

Increases Your Overall Profitability

Looking to improve the way your business runs? When you follow OSHA standards, your employees can work without incident. A safe workplace shows that you care, boosts productivity, and even keeps morale high. When employees are happy, they are productive, and therefore profitable.

In the study conducted by the University of Warwick, a researcher Dr. Sgroi stated, “The driving force seems to be that happier workers use the time they have more effectively, increasing the pace at which they can work without sacrificing quality.” A happy employee doesn’t count the minutes until his or her shift is over, but instead actively participates in the workplace.

Whether it is a highly technical skill like working as a trauma nurse or serving meals in a restaurant, productivity gives your business a better reputation and increases profits. Profitability increases when you care about profitability.

Protects from Lawsuits or Legal Ramifications

OSHA sends inspectors to business locations for standards compliance and assessments. When your company passes inspections, documentation is provided. Personal injury lawsuits filed by workers are more difficult to defend if a recent inspection is on file. Instead of relying on a form of private enforcement and regulation through lawsuit filing, inspectors protect your business from lawsuits.

Even if lawsuits aren’t your biggest concern, accidents on the job also can cost you a great deal of money from the medical side of things. Keep everyone safe with OSHA.

Continue Learning About OSHA

Learn more about the importance of OSHA in the workplace by investing in OSHA complicance trainings for yourself or your employees. There are training classes for everything from back injury prevention to ergonomics training. Never forget the importance of OSHA standards in the workspace. Depending on your field of work, compliance issues vary.


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