How to stimulate beard growth

The intensive growth of facial hair in men begins during puberty and this rate only increases with age. The thickness of the beard depends on heredity and the amount of testosterone that is produced by the body.
To stimulate facial hair growth, there are special drugs that can give a beard an attractive and well-groomed appearance. You can also change your lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and thereby give your appearance masculinity on your own.
Power mode
To stimulate beard growth on your own, you need to develop a proper menu containing a full range of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. To do this, it is necessary:
Include in your daily diet foods containing iron, biotin, calcium, zinc, silicon, iodine and vitamins A, E, C, D, H, B3, B5, B6, B12.
Minimize the consumption of foods that contain caffeine.
Consume any dairy products every day (yogurt, cottage cheese, milk).
Add vegetables, fruits, and nuts to the menu.
Develop a drinking regime.
If it is not possible to constantly eat right, you can purchase a multivitamin complex after consulting with your doctor. Self-administration of these drugs and vitamin abuse can be harmful to overall health.
In order for testosterone to be produced at a faster rate in a man's body, it is necessary to analyze lifestyle, daily routine and make some changes, namely:
Avoid stressful situations, solve problems as soon as they arrive.
Ensure a healthy, full-fledged sleep and take timely measures in case of insomnia:
Include morning exercises, breathing exercises and yoga in the daily routine.
Do outdoor sports (running, horizontal bars, swimming, cycling).
Nutritional products
In order to accelerate the growth of a beard, you can use various masks, for example:
Pour burdock oil into a tablespoon and heat it a little on fire, apply it to the bristles, after 2 hours, rinse it off using a gel for washing. Repeat the procedure every other day for a month.
Rub castor oil into the skin, and after 10 minutes, wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.
Put a small amount of red hot pepper in burdock oil, insist and apply it as a mask on the skin.
In order for a beard to grow healthy and thick, it is necessary to take constant care of it: massage the face, keep the face clean, use a mild peeling to remove keratinized particles. Access the best slot machines and enjoy thrilling gameplay .