If you are considering remodeling an older home, then you may need to use special lead safety procedures to control dust and follow the law. Did you know that the EPA RRP Rule applies to residential properties and child occupied […]
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates approximately thirty five million homes in the United States contain lead-based paint. Lead-based paint is defined as paint that contains 0.5% lead by weight or higher. Construction and renovation activity that disturbs painted surfaces […]
As a contractor, you play an important role in preventing lead poisoning when working in older buildings. Attending a Lead Safety Training course will give you the skills to control dust and help keep your projects clean. Lead poisoning in children can […]
The EPA RRP (Renovation, Repair, and Painting) Rule requires two different types of lead paint certification prior to taking on work in homes built before 1978. The rule requires both firms and individuals to be certified. The following breakdown should […]
Finally, lead abatement training and EPA lead safe certification courses are getting the attention they deserve, but only because of the ongoing tragedy playing out in Flint. Residents of Flint, Michigan, just received positive news regarding their water supply for […]
The older your home is, the more likely it is to contain lead paint. Before World War II, lead-based paints were extremely common and contained as much as 40% lead by dry weight. Indeed, almost 75% of U.S. housing still […]
Lead poisoning is a serious issue in the U.S. as up to 75% of all homes contain some amount of lead paint. The damage that this poisoning can cause can ruin a child’s life before they even have a chance. […]
Lead is present in more materials than you may know. Consequently, every contractors performing renovations or remodeling is required to be a certified lead renovator. These companies must also comply by the EPA’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule. […]
Small business owners often don’t understand the true benefits of providing workers with lead renovator training or even the benefits of having a certified lead renovator on hand. Lead poisoning is a leading factor in why children are seven times […]
Any contractor or property manager worth his or her salt will make the safety of residents a topmost priority. Since the presence of lead paint poses a well-documented danger, particularly to young children, remediation of any apartment or home painted […]